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Tip #1A: Accept Responsibility!

For the next few tips, I want to revisit the first one: Tip #1: Know What It Means to Be a Man and Do What It Takes to Be One. If you haven't had a chance to read it, be sure to do so. In that tip, I discussed 7 characteristics of a man. The first characteristic is that a man accepts responsibility. To me, being responsible means you can be counted on, you have an obligation to fulfill, and you don't cower when things don't turn out like you think they should. On the other hand, to be irresponsible... well, I think you already know what it means to be irresponsible. I want this tip to be simple and straight to the point. Take a look around you and find out all that you are responsible for. Maybe you're responsible for studying and getting good grades, taking out the trash, caring for a younger brother or sister, heading a club at school, or being the captain of your team. Whatever it is, accept that responsibility and do all that you can to fulfill your obligations. Of course some things may not turn out the way you have

planned but don't point the finger and blame others. Learn from your mistakes, find out what you need to do differently, and get the job done. And for Pete's sake, please don't wait for mommy to do it for you, or anyone else. Accept responsibility. When you do, you're one step closer to being a man.

Written 1/7/2013 by John Weaver

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