Tip #40: Live Through the Pain.
I think we would all agree that when we're in pain, it sucks! The bottom line is that if you live long enough, you will endure some type...
Tip #38: Expect Resistance.
The weather in Florida is usually beautiful. Sunny summers (and most winters), beautiful beaches, and semi-tropical climates make some of...
Tip #34: Grab the Lifesaver!
I shared this story with the FCA Huddle at my school last Friday. Imagine, for a minute, that you’re on a family cruise to the Bahamas....
Tip #28: Watch Out For Stinking Thinking!
Henry Ford once said "Whether You Think You Can or You Can't, You're Right". I wholeheartedly believe this very powerful phrase. Much of...
Tip #19: Find Balance in Life.
Think of tightrope walker. A few years ago, there was one guy who walked across a tightrope across Niagara Falls not long ago (search it...
Tip # 12: Play the Hand You're Dealt.
My family loves to play cards. Their game of choice is Spades and when we play, it gets pretty ugly and loud but it's so much fun. I...
Tip #11: What's Ahead is Greater Than What's Behind.
One reader asked me to write about moving on and forgetting about the past so here goes. I heard a Pastor once say that the windshield of...
Tip #10: Never Give Up!
I'll be honest and say I have been thinking about this tip for nearly a week and I never thought I would need it the most this week. Life...
Tip #4: Be the Best You You Can Be!
No, it’s not a typo. Be the best you you can be. There’s a reason why no one else on the planet has a fingerprint or DNA like yours. It’s...
Tip #1: Know What It Means to Be a Man & Do What It Takes To Be One!
TV commercials, radio ads, magazines, and the Internet want you to believe that being a man is defined by how much money you have, how...